Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Williamston Rotary Hears About Tax Assessment Coming

Glinda Fox (shown below), President of the Williamston Rotary acted as Master of Ceremonies for today's meeting. One of the first topics covered was planning for the coming Rotary Golf Tournament which will be held Thursday, September 18th at the Roanoke Country Club in Williamston.

Teams who are interested need to contact the Rotary to get on the schedule.

The program for the day was by Russell Overman (below), Martin County Manager. Russell explained some of the details of the coming re-evaluation that will happen to all Marin County property in the coming year. He desribed some of the consequences of the fact that some property re-evaluations were missed during the last re-evaluation during 2001. As a result the property value increase is going to be significant for those properties.

Russell also talked about he need for businesses to accept responsbility to make sure all assets are listed, and talked about some recent situations where the business failed to list property. There is a statue of limitation but it is quite long, and just getting by one year does not mean you will not have to pay the tax, and penalties, at a later date. He showed some of the new tools which are allowing the county to do a better job of finding listings that are being intentionally left off by businesses in the assumption that as in the past, it will not be caught.

There were a lot of questions and the program ran late because of the interest.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Martin County Shrimp Tees

Robersonville Country Club
Robersonville, NC
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Two Tee Times—8:30 AM and 1:30 PM

Tickets Include:
All you can eat SHRIMP and the fixins’,
$25 / Ticket
5 for $100

Purchase your tickets @
Martin County Chamber of Commerce
Clarks Pharmacy, Travel & Tourism, & Village Pharmacy

Ashley Dews Smith
Executive Director
Martin County Chamber of Commerce
(P) 252-792-4131
(C0 252-412-5715
(F) 252-752-1013