Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bill Daughtridge
Receives Boy Scout Award

San Diego, California was recently home to the 2008 National Annual Meeting of the Boy Scouts of America. Rocky Mount Representative Bill Daughtridge, a member of the East Carolina Council, received the prestigious Silver Antelope Award.

Representative Daughtridge, accompanied by his wife Partha, attended the annual meeting as members of the 2008 Executive Committee from North Carolina. In a letter to the review board, Nick Boddie wrote “Bill is a man of great integrity who exemplifies the values of the Boy Scouts of America in every way.” Bill started in Scouting as a Cub Scout and later earned his Eagle Scout in Troop 11, Rocky Mount, North Carolina. He continued to serve the organization and recalls one of his fondest memories is a five-day kayak trip through four ecosystems with his Eagle Scout son, Gray, who would later guide at the Pamlico Sea Base.

The National Court of Honor annually bestows the Silver Antelope Award.

Representative Daughtridge was the only Scouter from North Carolina to receive the award. It is granted to registered Scouters of exceptional character for outstanding service to youth. Representative Daughtridge continues his involvement in Scouting as a member of the Southern Region Board, and has served as Area President, and member of the Council Charter Review Committee and Eagle Scholarship Selection Committee. He speaks to Boy Scouts across the region, is a constant encouragement to organizational leaders, and is a proponent of character development for our youth within his legislative role at the State House.

Representative Daughtridge is the Republican candidate for North Carolina State Treasurer.


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