“Salute the Troops”
The Businesses and Friends of Veterans in Martin County had an “Armed Forces Day” event to “Salute the Troops” yesterday. The purpose was to honor all Martin County Veterans and active duty soldiers.
It was held at the Farmers Market. It was a beautiful evening when I drove up to the Farmer's Market in Williamston.
At the entrance they had military vehicles and a number of current military personnel to tell people about their duties.
Inside they had military speakers, patriotic music and most especially BBQ.
This was not a political event, only to honor all our veterans on “Armed Forces Day", but was organized by the Martin County Republican Party.
The people that were most important are the soldiers who are currently serving us in this time of war. This war against Islamofascism is a long term war and there is no question it will go on for decades. This will test our nation's strength and commitment to freedom as much as any war we have ever fought.
To start the event, local Boy Scout Troop #29 provided the color guard and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Scout Zack Bennett.
Mrs. Ruth Bake led the singing of the National Anthem.
Dr. David Brown, Minister of First Christian Church of Robersonville gave the invocation.
The crowd was very polite and no one moved to start eating until all of the opening comments were finished.
Through an open door at the back of the large room it was fascinating to watch the horses in a field at Martin Community College which is behind the Farmer's Market.
Master of Ceremonies, Dwayne Baker, Chairman of the Martin County Republican Party, started the speakers portion of formal ceremonies after all had a chance to eat.
First action of the evening was reading letters from our elected officials. Betty Jo Shepheard (below) read a letter from Senator Richard Burr.
Lareo Reddick read a letter from Congressman G.K. Butterfield.
Mr Reddick also presented the Republican Party with a flag flown over our nation's capital from Congressman G.K. Butterfield to thank them for holding the event to honor our troops.
Rachel Baker read a letter from our senior Senator, Elisabeth Dole.
Theodosia Robinson, Martin County Office of Veteran Affairs then presented some heartfelt remarks, about the services of her office, and her personal appreciation for the troops. She ended her comments with a powerful poem in honor of our troops.
Next was Sam Bullock, Post Commander of American Legion Post #131, from Hamilton, NC for his tribute to the troops.
A couple of highlights from the evening were the moving patriotic songs of local star Lori Wynne.
When she started "Stand up America", everyone stood up.
Keeney Teeter, Post Commander of AMVETS of Williamston came next, for his tribute to the troops.
The troops that were present were clearly moved by the outpouring of appreciation and paid attention to everything being said.
Dot Williford, former Republican Chairman of the 1st Congressional District, gave the introduction of the evening's keynote speaker, Colonel Nelson Leggette (retired), U.S. Army Air Corps, who served in World War II.
Colonel Leggette shared a number of stories and anecdotes, including one discomforting story about a sixth grade teacher who attended a recent event. She walked up to him, looked at a sign that announced him as a World War II vet, and asked, "What is World War Eleven?"
Most of his stories were much more uplifting and he ended his presentation with a listing of all the wars our nation has fought. It is a long toll of conflicts that have repeatedly made the difference between being free and living under the rule of others. Our freedom is ours, solely because of the willingness of some to fight for us all.
God Bless America's Soldiers.